Spare Parts

At MHS Conveyor we maintain an inventory of critical spares and replacement parts in Norton Shores, MI. Why? So you can have the parts on hand when you need them and can count on fast turnaround for replacement parts. Most parts orders are shipped with in two days from receipt of order before 12:00pm EST.

Part orders (in stock) for next day air shipment must be received before 12:00pm EST.

Most equipment orders come with two spare parts lists, a consolidated list with recommended quantities and pricing and a “where used” list based on each defined conveyor unit. All spare part listings are kept on file for Distributor “back up” future reference.

If you do not have your equipment spare part listing… we want to get parts to you as quickly as we can and you can help by providing the information from the bed tag label.

Each unit of MHS Conveyor equipment has a white paper label attached either to the inside or outside face of the side channel.

Old Label Style

New Label Style

The label will contain all of the following information:

  • ITEM # (MHS Conveyor’s Item # for this piece of equipment)
  • DESC (Description of the piece of equipment)
  • Job # (The most important information for us to help you. Job # allows us to generate a list of all equipment originally shipped with this unit)
  • M No: Manufacture Number and Date (Assembly date which reveals the age of the equipment)
  • TAG #
  • QR (Quick Retrieval Bar Code) scan for IOM manual

Having this information available when you call your Authorized MHS Conveyor Distributor will help expedite the process, and get you the parts you need faster.

Spare Parts Quotes

MHS Conveyor